Organics Europe Youth Event 2024
Our first iFoam's event participation
This year, Agriwell proudly participated in the IFOAM Organics Europe event - Organics Europe Youth Event 2024 event in Bari, Italy, marking our debut as a new member of IFOAM Organics Europe and IFOAM - Organics International. We are thrilled to join such a powerful organic movement and contribute to a sustainable future.

This inspiring event aims to empower the future of the organic community and inspire change through a wide range of perspectives.
Events like these are crucial for driving our organic movement forward, discovering new opportunities, and sharing knowledge and experiences. People from all over the world, united by a common goal, gathered at the CIHEAM Bari to exchange diverse perspectives and innovative ideas for a sustainable future.
Together, we will discover the positive effects of organic food and farming on our climate, environment, biodiversity, and animal welfare.
As Eduardo Cuoco (Director IFOAM Organics Europe) mentioned, “Our industry needs young ambitious professionals who will pass on what we do from generation to generation.” Thanks to OEYE2024, this vision is becoming a reality! It was incredibly inspiring to see so many passionate individuals united by the same goal.
Many thanks to CIHEAM Bari for hosting this event. Established in 1962, the International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM) is a Mediterranean intergovernmental organization composed of 13 Member Countries(Albania, Algeria, Egypt, France, Greece, Italy, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, Portugal, Spain, Tunisia, and Türkiye).

As well we had the pleasure of visiting a remarkable family-run organic olive farm Azienda Agricola Cuonzo with a rich history dating back to the 1970s. Witnessing their journey from traditional farming to embracing modern organic practices was truly inspiring.
The transition to organic farming required the integration of new technologies, yet the farm’s owner is dedicated to preserving the historical essence of the land—a history that reflects the entire region’s heritage.
It’s heartening to see more enterprises recognize that the future belongs to organic farming.
The conference featured a wide array of insightful topics, including:
Panel talk: Who is who in sustainable food systems? - Exploring organic, agroecology, biodynamic, and regenerative farming.
Learning lecture : Sustaining Communities - The potential of Biodistricts in nurturing rural vitality.
Learning lecture: Growing Forward - Farming in the digital age.
Parallel session: Organic content creators - Practical ways to make organic attractive.
Parallel session: Open Innovation - Supporting young innovators in organic business.
Parallel session: Sustainable Public Procurement - The role of young people.
Virtual keynote speech by Dr. Vandana Shiva: From Earth Democracy over Rights to Nature: the role of the organic movement in ecological activism.
and more...